Node Reference

This page contains details about the seUVBlendShape deformer node. This deformer was modeled after Maya’s blendShape deformer node for familiarity but not entirely as the seUVBlendShape deformer does not currently support in-between targets or weight normalization between targets.

Currently only polygon meshes are supported with this deformer. Also, since this deformer has cached bind data, it does not support incoming history on the base and target geometry that affects UV’s or vertex orders.


envelope, env - [float] - keyable, connectable

Overall influence of deformation applied to the mesh, ranging for 0 to 1.

keepOffset , ko - [float] - keyable, connectable

Blends how much of the base geometry is kept at it’s original shape as opposed to the shape of the targets. If keepOffset is on (1.0), then any shape changes from when the target was added or rebound to it’s current shape will bet applied additively on top of the base mesh. Otherwise if keepOffset is off (0.0), the base will match the shape of the target.

threadCount, tc - [integer]

Controls how many threads will be used for computing the deformation. The default is the max number of logical cpu’s on your machine. To disable multithreading, set this attribute to 1. Performance will vary depending on how many vertices are being deformed.

origin, or - [enum]

Options are either “world” or “local” for determining which space the deformation will take place in. When using local space (default), only the positions and changes on the vertices are used. In world space, the absolute position from the world origin to the vertices are used.


The target mesh must be connected to the deformer for world space to work properly.

allowGPU, agpu - [boolean]

Maya 2016 and above only This will allow the deformer to use the GPU override feature if enabled. This does not guarantee that the deformer will be running on the GPU, but only allow it to if possible. There are other factors that determine if a deformer can use the GPU override feature. See Maya’s documentation for more information. Default is True, allow the deformer to run GPU if possible.


In Maya before extension 2, you will need to toggle the GPU override feature in the Maya preference off/on after changing this attribute. Maya extension 2 has added better support for dynamically changing the GPU support without having to turn if off and on again.

weight, wt - [float] - array, keyable, connectable

Controls the amount of influence the target will affect the base mesh. Setting this to 1.0 will turn the target completely on. However you can set this to any value to scale the delta differently. Each weight index is aliased with a target name when the target is added to make it easier to identify.

deltaWeightsList, dwl - compound, array

The delta weights list for a specific input geometry index. Only 1 input mesh is currently supported on this deformer.

deltaWeights, dw - [float] - array, paintable

Per vertex weights for scaling the delta of all target’s bind positions to the current positions. Commonly used with the keepOffset on and to reduce the movement when the target changes shape.

inputTarget, it- compound, array

The input targets for a specific input geometry index. Only 1 input mesh is currently supported on this deformer.

inputTargetGroup, itg - compound, array

Compound data per target. The index on the weight attribute will correspond to the index in this array.

inputGeomTarget, igt - [mesh] - connectable

The polygon mesh to use as the target.

targetUVSet, tuvs - [string]

The UV set used on the target mesh. You should not change this directly on the node, you must use the MEL command or changeUVSet Python function to change the UV set and rebind.

baseUVSet, buvs - [string]

The UV set used on the base mesh. (only used during binding) See notes mentioned in the targetUVSet attribute on changing this value.

targetDeltaScale, tds - [float3] - keyable, connectable

Individual X,Y,Z scale of the target delta. This gives you more control over the direction of the changes from the target’s bind shape to its current shape. For example you can mirror the delta by setting the X scale to -1. This is used in combination with the paintable per vertex deltaWeights attribute.

bindMatrix, bm - [matrix]

The world matrix of the target mesh at the time it was bound. This is used when the origin attribute is set to “world”.

targetWeights, tw - [float] - array

Per vertex weights to control the overall influence of this target. Due to the limitation in Maya, this attribute is not directly paintable. A specific attribute is used instead. See the paintTargetWeights attribute for information.

boundVertexIds, bvi - [integer array]

Array of base geometry vertex ids that are bound to this target.

boundFaceIds, bvi - [integer array]

Array of target face ids that each base vertex is bound on.

boundUPoints, bup - [float array]

Array of base geometry bound U points.

boundVPoints, bvp - [float array]

Array of base geometry bound V points.

targetBindPoint, tbp - [point array]

Array of bind points for the base geometry relative to the target.

paintTargetWeights, pwt - [float] - array, paintable

The paintable attribute for target weights. The target that is painted on is dependent on the value set on the paintTargetIndex attribute.

paintTargetIndex, pti - [integer]

The target index used when painting target weights through the paintTargetWeights attribute. This must be set before painting weights.

Paintable Attributes

As described above, there are 3 attributes on the deformer for per vertex painting. The first is the common deformer weights which is used to paint the overall affect of the deformer. This is the weights attribute.

The next paintable attribute is target weights which has a similar affect as the weights attribute but per target. This is indirectly paintable on the paintTargetWeight attribute.

Lastly is the delta weights. Which scales the affect of how much of delta between the target shape at binding to it’s current shape. This affects all targets when you paint on the deltaWeights attribute.


The above paintable attributes are not normalized between 0 and 1. They can be painted whatever float value you like. By default all weights are at a value of 1.0.