Examples and Demo Videos

This page contains examples and demo videos for using the deformer. Example files are located in the download inside the examples folder of the download.


This video will show you how to install and uninstall the seUVBlendShape module using the provided MEL scripts. Go to the installation page for more details.

Basic Overview

This video will go over getting started with the tools and the basic introduction:

  • Explaining the UV association this deformer uses
  • Opening the user interface
  • Creating a new seUVBlendShape deformer
  • Adding, rebinding, and removing a target
  • Deformer attributes

Painting Weights

There are 3 paintable attributes on the deformer. Each with it’s own purpose. Go here for more information about them.

The easiest way to paint the weights is to use the provided user interface which has a button to properly start the artisan painting functionality. You can also enter this mode through the provided weight painting Python functions: paintDeformerWeights, paintDeltaWeights, and paintTargetWeights.

Here is a video that shows you how to do this with the user interface.

Mirroring Shapes

One of the more useful features is the ability to mirror shapes on asymmetrical geometry. This is done by the following process:

  1. Before creating the deformer on the base geometry, create a copy of the UV set you want to use.
  2. Flip the copied UVs horizontally.
  3. Create a seUVBlendShape with a new target using the copied/flipped UV set. Make sure you set the keep offset attribute to 1.0.
  4. Change the delta scale on the X axis to -1 for the added target.

Now when you move the target geometry points, they will affect the opposite side of the base geometry moving in the mirrored direction. You can also add the same target again using the original matching UV set so both sides will be affected.

See the seUVBlendShape_mirrored_target_example.ma file for reference.

Below is a video showing how this process works.